Hello, My name is
Amr Fahmy
I Build Solutions
I'm s software engineering student based in Alexandria, Egypt. Practicing problem solving is one of my favorite hobbies, currently working on self learning and educational projects.
About Me
I'm s software engineering student based in Alexandria, Egypt. Currently, I'm studying at Alexandria university. In parallel I practise problem solving and work on Projects which highlight the technologies I learn.
Here's a few technologies I've been working with recently:
Javascript | Node.js |
MongoDB | Express |
React | HTML & CSS |
I study Computer engineering at Alexnadria University |
I've finished The Complete 2019 Web Development Bootcamp which covers :
I have attended a PHP native course, built projects using MySQL database. |
Problem solving and Algorithms.

Book Finder
A website that helps you to find the book you are looking for. If you are searching for a book let's try it now https://amrfahmyy.github.io/Book-Finder/ Used API's Google Books API, used for retrieving data for books that likely to be what the user search for. What i have learnt Generate HTML elements using Javascript. More experience with Javascript DOM. Deal with google APS's.
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Github Timeline
Github is a necessary tool for developers, unfortunately it has a hard user experience interface if you want only to review some repos of a certain username. Github Timeline help you to check a usernames' public animated repositories by only one click !
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Daily Jornal
A blog website is where you can share your thoughts, feelings or creativity. This web app is using MongoDB hosted on Atlas, and the server is been hosted by Heroku.
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